


私はスイーツ男子が好きだ。父もスイーツ男子だった。子供のころ 上手なホットケーキとココアの作り方を教えてくれた。父が学生だった頃 ある甘味処は男性のみの入店は禁止だったので、女性たちに同伴をお願いしていたとのこと。甘味処は女性優位の世界で、当時、スイーツ男子は少数派だったようだ。


コンビニエンスストアが 美味しいスイーツに力を入れだしてから、スイーツ男子の時代がやってきたと思う。ケーキ屋でスイーツを一つ買うのは勇気がいるが、コンビニエンスならなんのためらいもなく買うことが出来る。


やっぱり私はスイーツ男子が好きだ。父のみならず 夫もスイーツ男子だ。幸せそうにスイーツを食べている夫を見るのは幸せな気分だ。











Sweet tooth men


When I was in a convenience store, a tough looking man grabbed a pudding and went to the resister.  He must be one of the sweet-teeth men.


 I like sweet-teeth men.   It reminds me of my father.  When I was a child, he used to lecture me how to make good pancakes and a cup of hot cocoa.   He said when he was a university student, he had asked girls to go to a confection parlor with him.  Because without accompany of women, it didn’t allow men to enter there alone.  The confectionery parlor seemed to be women-dominated place.  And those days, sweets tooth men might be minority in japan.


Since convenience stores have launched on selling quite high-quality confections, it seems men have acquired the easy access to the sweets.  It might be a little bit hard for them to enter cake shop alone and buy a cake or pudding.  On the other hand, buying only one confectionery is much easier mentally.  They don’t have to hesitate at all.


Again, I like sweet teeth men.  Not only my father, also my husband is sweet teeth.  Looking his eating confections happily also makes me happy.


HP of Kenkodo
