


その話、良くわかる。健幸堂でも春には 気分の落ち込みや しつこいめまいや 不眠を訴える人が増える。心と体が 季節のダイナミックな移り変わりについてゆけないのだろう。でも、不安がることはない。まず、誰もが春には不快になりやすいのだと理解することが大切だ。そして しっかり眠って できるだけストレスを避け、栄養に気を付ける。シンプルだけれど、体とコロロに効く。













Weird magical power of spring


One of the clients who is a policeman told me a curious story.  He said, “April was extremely busy, because many elderly people who suffer dementia and considerable number of people with mental illness left their home and strolled around the town, especially at night.  I wonder why those incidents increase in spring every year.  May be spring has some weird magical power.”


I agree with the idea.  Many clients come to my office and tell me they feel depression, have annoyed by persistent dizziness, or unable to sleep well.  People’s mind and body seems difficult to cope with the dynamic change of the season.  But we do not have to be pessimistic about the matter.  There are some measures to cope with them.  Firstly, you should remind people can be uneasy in spring.  Then, you should sleep enough, avoid stress as much as possible, and have nutritious food, and focus on something you like.  Those are simple solutions.  But it changes your mind and body.


HP of Kenkodo

