
健幸堂のある患者さんは17年前に脳腫瘍を患い手術を受けた。完治したかに見えたが2年前に新たな脳腫瘍が見つかった。75歳という年齢を考え 彼女は2度目の手術はしないと決めた。前回の手術の後、通常の生活がおくれるようになるまでに2年かかった。患者さんはあのような辛い日々はもう送りたくないと言った。

今は ほぼ毎日プールに通い、1キロ泳いで会員さんとおしゃべりをし、時には名古屋に行って美術展や買い物を楽しんでいる。「2度目の手術をしたら こんな楽しい日々は送れなかった」とおっしゃる。





Her decision


One of my clients suffered from brain tumor fifteen years ago.  She took the surgery and it seemed it had been completely cured.  However, two years ago, another brain tumor was founded.  Considering her age of seventy-seven, she decided not to take surgery again.  After the former surgery it took two ears to recover and have normal life.  She says never want to have such hard days.  Now she goes to swimming pool and swim 1 km almost every day and talks with the members.  Sometimes she goes to Nagoya and enjoys art exhibition and shopping. She said, “If I opted for the second surgery, I could not have such good days.”

If I were her, I would also opt for the same decision.  There is no right answer.  Therefore, I felt sometimes it might be important to mull over what we should do when we would suffer a serious disease.


HP of Kenkodo
