


私はスイーツ男子が好きだ。父もスイーツ男子だった。子供のころ 上手なホットケーキとココアの作り方を教えてくれた。父が学生だった頃 ある甘味処は男性のみの入店は禁止だったので、女性たちに同伴をお願いしていたとのこと。甘味処は女性優位の世界で、当時、スイーツ男子は少数派だったようだ。


コンビニエンスストアが 美味しいスイーツに力を入れだしてから、スイーツ男子の時代がやってきたと思う。ケーキ屋でスイーツを一つ買うのは勇気がいるが、コンビニエンスならなんのためらいもなく買うことが出来る。


やっぱり私はスイーツ男子が好きだ。父のみならず 夫もスイーツ男子だ。幸せそうにスイーツを食べている夫を見るのは幸せな気分だ。











Sweet tooth men


When I was in a convenience store, a tough looking man grabbed a pudding and went to the resister.  He must be one of the sweet-teeth men.


 I like sweet-teeth men.   It reminds me of my father.  When I was a child, he used to lecture me how to make good pancakes and a cup of hot cocoa.   He said when he was a university student, he had asked girls to go to a confection parlor with him.  Because without accompany of women, it didn’t allow men to enter there alone.  The confectionery parlor seemed to be women-dominated place.  And those days, sweets tooth men might be minority in japan.


Since convenience stores have launched on selling quite high-quality confections, it seems men have acquired the easy access to the sweets.  It might be a little bit hard for them to enter cake shop alone and buy a cake or pudding.  On the other hand, buying only one confectionery is much easier mentally.  They don’t have to hesitate at all.


Again, I like sweet teeth men.  Not only my father, also my husband is sweet teeth.  Looking his eating confections happily also makes me happy.


HP of Kenkodo











Waste separation

Recently, I have enjoyed waste separation.  Of course, I obeyed the rule of Ichinomiya City.  But I found I could separate waste more precisely.  I didn’t know even only a tiny item packing of a cady can be recycled. Also, a sheet of paper which the size is larger than a name card can be classified as recycle paper.  As I have tried it, I found the real waste is considerably small.  It makes me feel good.  It contributes reduce of waste and increase recycle materials which I unintentionally thrown to a trash.  Although, it is satisfactory and a kind of fun, I have tried not to force my husband to do it.  I don’t need to squabble with him over such thing.  Yes, it has been “one of hobbies”, and it is rude to force it others who do not have interested in.


HP of Kenkodo







カーソン マッカラーズによる小説。新聞記事で 村上春樹がこの本を翻訳したと知ったので 原書で読んでみた。









Amazon.co.jp: 心は孤独な狩人 eBook: カーソン・マッカラーズ, 村上春樹: 本






The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

This is the novel written by Carson McCullers.  I know the book by reading a newspaper article that Haruki Murakami, one of the famous writers in Japan, has translated it into Japanese.  So, I tried to read the original.


It describes mainly four people who lives in one of the southern countries in America.  Each of them has their own loneliness.  It is like a catalogue of loneliness.  I felt empathy with them.  It is far from happy ending story.  You may feel desperation.  But I have felt something feeling of consolation.  In my opinion, the author might want to tell us that as all people have conceived their own loneliness, you should not grieve over your situation.


It took over a month to read this book as the vocabulary was beyond my capacity.  But it is a good book which makes mind warm for some reason.


HP of Kenkodo

















Sense of loss


Anthills Museum in Azumino city has been closed.  I used to visit there many times with my husband.  After we climbed a mountain, it is a nice place to spend the leisure time until check in of an accommodation there.  It has a glass museum of excellent collections.  I was fascinated by the beauty of glass lamps, and decorative ornaments.  Also there were countless kinds of souvenir there from very reasonable price ones to luxury ones.

The facility has become one of our precious memories.  I have engulfed by the sense of loss.  Have you ever felt such feeling?  But such memories would be alive in my mind without forgotten.


HP of Kenkodo



テレビを見ていたら 日本を旅したアメリカ人旅行者がスケッチブックを見せていた。素晴らしい絵だ。絵を描いた方が旅の記憶が鮮明になるので写真は撮らないそうだ。私もそう思う。写真を撮りまくっていた時、美しい景色を本当に味わってはいなかった。それで、その代わりに旅の後に短い記録をつけるようにしている。ほんの短い一文が 景色の美しさや 食べ物や 出会った面白い方々や その時の感情まで思い出させてくれる。その点で、俳句を作る方ならもっと旅の様々な思い出を味わい、思い返すことが出来るのではないかと思う。





Memory of journey


Watching TV, one of the American tourists who had visited Japan showed us her sketch book.  She had drawn awesome pictures of Japan.  She said she had not taken any picture because drawing picture make her memory more vivid than taking pictures everywhere.  I agree with her.  When I took pictures here and there, I could not enjoy the authentic beauty of the environment.  Therefore, instead of taking many pictures, I have written short journal every time after the journey, mainly mountain trekking trip.  I have found only a short sentence reminds of me a lot of beautiful sceneries, tasty foods, nice people who met during the journey, and even emotions I felt.  For that matter, I think people who can make Haiku might much better appreciate and remember the various aspects of journey.


HP of Kenkodo




コンビニで女性客が友人に「私、ハッピーターンが食べたい!」と言って棚から手に取った。私はそういうおせんべいは普段はあまり食べないのだけれど 彼女に刺激をうけてつられて買ってしまった。



でも このお菓子がきっかけで、これまで世界はあらゆる問題を解決してきたのだということを思いださせてくれた。コロナが収束する日を思い描いた。







Happy Turn

At a convenience store, one of the customers told her friends, “I want to have Happy Turn!” and took the rice cracker form the shelf.  I usually do not eat such kind of rice crackers.  But at that moment, her cheerful smile prompted me to buy it….  On the bag, it explains how the product were named “Happy Turn”:  When Japanese people had depressed by the oil shock, the company hoped happiness would turn to Japanese people again and named it.  I am impressed by the spirit and appreciated the junky taste.  This rice cracker felt somewhat significant for me. 

I do not recommend everybody to eat the product as it contains a lot of additive and the taste is somewhat addictive.  It is not good for your health.

But for me, it reminds of that the world has surmounted various problems.  Eating “Happy Turn”, I dreamed of the day the world would overcome this pandemic.

HP of Kenkodo




会計士が来て健幸堂の決算は終わった。彼は毎年、必要書類を風呂敷に包んでくる。昨今、エコバッグを持ち歩く人を見るのは日常風景だが、風呂敷包みはほとんど目にしない。見たとしても ほとんど女性だ。私には、彼のような中年男性が風呂敷を使っているのは古臭いというよりカッコよく感じる。








The accountant came and Kenkodo’s annual account settlement has finished.  Every year he visits us, he always carries necessary documents wrapped in Furoshiki.   Nowadays carrying eco-bag has been quite popular.  But I have rarely seen people wrapping and carrying something by Furoshiki.   If I could find someone who use furoshiki, it usually is women.  For me, he, a middle-aged accountant with furoshiki looks quite stylish rather than old-fashioned .


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