













Sense of loss


Anthills Museum in Azumino city has been closed.  I used to visit there many times with my husband.  After we climbed a mountain, it is a nice place to spend the leisure time until check in of an accommodation there.  It has a glass museum of excellent collections.  I was fascinated by the beauty of glass lamps, and decorative ornaments.  Also there were countless kinds of souvenir there from very reasonable price ones to luxury ones.

The facility has become one of our precious memories.  I have engulfed by the sense of loss.  Have you ever felt such feeling?  But such memories would be alive in my mind without forgotten.


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テレビを見ていたら 日本を旅したアメリカ人旅行者がスケッチブックを見せていた。素晴らしい絵だ。絵を描いた方が旅の記憶が鮮明になるので写真は撮らないそうだ。私もそう思う。写真を撮りまくっていた時、美しい景色を本当に味わってはいなかった。それで、その代わりに旅の後に短い記録をつけるようにしている。ほんの短い一文が 景色の美しさや 食べ物や 出会った面白い方々や その時の感情まで思い出させてくれる。その点で、俳句を作る方ならもっと旅の様々な思い出を味わい、思い返すことが出来るのではないかと思う。





Memory of journey


Watching TV, one of the American tourists who had visited Japan showed us her sketch book.  She had drawn awesome pictures of Japan.  She said she had not taken any picture because drawing picture make her memory more vivid than taking pictures everywhere.  I agree with her.  When I took pictures here and there, I could not enjoy the authentic beauty of the environment.  Therefore, instead of taking many pictures, I have written short journal every time after the journey, mainly mountain trekking trip.  I have found only a short sentence reminds of me a lot of beautiful sceneries, tasty foods, nice people who met during the journey, and even emotions I felt.  For that matter, I think people who can make Haiku might much better appreciate and remember the various aspects of journey.


HP of Kenkodo




コンビニで女性客が友人に「私、ハッピーターンが食べたい!」と言って棚から手に取った。私はそういうおせんべいは普段はあまり食べないのだけれど 彼女に刺激をうけてつられて買ってしまった。



でも このお菓子がきっかけで、これまで世界はあらゆる問題を解決してきたのだということを思いださせてくれた。コロナが収束する日を思い描いた。







Happy Turn

At a convenience store, one of the customers told her friends, “I want to have Happy Turn!” and took the rice cracker form the shelf.  I usually do not eat such kind of rice crackers.  But at that moment, her cheerful smile prompted me to buy it….  On the bag, it explains how the product were named “Happy Turn”:  When Japanese people had depressed by the oil shock, the company hoped happiness would turn to Japanese people again and named it.  I am impressed by the spirit and appreciated the junky taste.  This rice cracker felt somewhat significant for me. 

I do not recommend everybody to eat the product as it contains a lot of additive and the taste is somewhat addictive.  It is not good for your health.

But for me, it reminds of that the world has surmounted various problems.  Eating “Happy Turn”, I dreamed of the day the world would overcome this pandemic.

HP of Kenkodo




会計士が来て健幸堂の決算は終わった。彼は毎年、必要書類を風呂敷に包んでくる。昨今、エコバッグを持ち歩く人を見るのは日常風景だが、風呂敷包みはほとんど目にしない。見たとしても ほとんど女性だ。私には、彼のような中年男性が風呂敷を使っているのは古臭いというよりカッコよく感じる。








The accountant came and Kenkodo’s annual account settlement has finished.  Every year he visits us, he always carries necessary documents wrapped in Furoshiki.   Nowadays carrying eco-bag has been quite popular.  But I have rarely seen people wrapping and carrying something by Furoshiki.   If I could find someone who use furoshiki, it usually is women.  For me, he, a middle-aged accountant with furoshiki looks quite stylish rather than old-fashioned .


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ラジオを聴いていたら ある医師が、「だれもが今年はコロナが収束してほしいと思っていると思いますが それは無理です。例外なく終息には通常2-3年はかかるものなのです。だから この状況でも心楽しく過ごすことを身に着けることが大切です。」と言っていた。この話を聴いて、すこしガッカリもしたし、納得もした。心のどこかではまだパンデミックは続くだろうと予想していた。我慢は必要だけれど顔をしかめる必要はない。幸せや楽しみに敏感になる訓練期間なのかもしれない。







Training period


Over the radio, a doctor said, “I know all people wish to see the eradication of the pandemic this year.  But it is impossible.  It takes two or three years for you to see the end.  There is no exception.  So, you need to learn coping with this situation and enjoy yourself withing the restriction.”

Hearing that, I was a little bit disappointed and convinced.  Somewhere in my mind, I had understood the fact.

We may need endurance, but it does not mean we have to grimace all the time.  It might be a good opportunity to be sensitive to finding small happiness and fun with



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Gさんが数年前に健幸堂に来たときは ひどいめまいでゲッソリとしていた。回復後の彼女は健康維持のために2週間ごとに治療にいらしている。このコロナ禍においても朗らかでいらっしゃる。Gさんによると、彼女の同僚の一人が Gさんがあまりに生き生きと楽しんでいるのを見て、Gさんのようにアーチストのライブ配信を見始めたそうだ。



  • 自分がハッピーだと人も幸せに出来る
  • どんな状況でも自分次第で幸せになれる









Be happy!


When Ms. G came to Kenkodo several years before, she was depressed with serious dizziness.  After the recovery, she has come here once in two weeks to keep healthy.  Despite this situation of pandemic, she looks quite cheerful.  She told me that one of her colleagues has started watching live performance of an artist by internet as she does, because she looks lively and enjoying herself.

From her talk, I have learned twolessons:

One: Being happy makes other people happy

Two:  Even in such situation, you can make yourself happy


It might be us who choose to be happy or unhappy.






今後 他社でも 自社の商品やサービスをプリントしたマスクの販売を始めるのでは?と思った。あるいは粗品として配るかもしれない。今やマスクは誰にとっても必需品だから、そんな粗品をもらって嬉しい人もいると思う。





Moving advertisement


Komeda co., a coffee shop chain, started selling masks.  On them, their food menus are printed.  At the beginning the masks were only for the shop staffs.  But there were many requirements from the customers who saw them to sell them the masks.  So, the company decided to sell them.  It has a good merit for the company that the mask can be “a moving advertisement”.

Reading the article, I have imagined other companies might start to sell such masks appealing their products or services.  Or they can be used as free gifts for the customers.  Nowadays, a mask is an indispensable consumable.  Some people might be glad to receive such free gifts.


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