

今後 他社でも 自社の商品やサービスをプリントしたマスクの販売を始めるのでは?と思った。あるいは粗品として配るかもしれない。今やマスクは誰にとっても必需品だから、そんな粗品をもらって嬉しい人もいると思う。





Moving advertisement


Komeda co., a coffee shop chain, started selling masks.  On them, their food menus are printed.  At the beginning the masks were only for the shop staffs.  But there were many requirements from the customers who saw them to sell them the masks.  So, the company decided to sell them.  It has a good merit for the company that the mask can be “a moving advertisement”.

Reading the article, I have imagined other companies might start to sell such masks appealing their products or services.  Or they can be used as free gifts for the customers.  Nowadays, a mask is an indispensable consumable.  Some people might be glad to receive such free gifts.


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多くの人がキーホルダーを買って外国に飛び、友人や家族に贈ることを考えるとワクワクする。もらった人は 日本のもう一つの文化を楽しむことだろう。






 Food samples fly to abroad!

The chunichi newspaper describe that "Sample-Koubou", one of the food sample factory in Gujyo city, Gif pref. has setting up the shop in the Cyubu international airport. 

The international line had been closed because of the pandemic, but it has gradually resumed since autumn.  So, Katsuharu Kaneyama, the president, made the decision of selling the products there.  The main products sold there is four hundred kinds of small key holders, like a sushi, a shrimp fry, beer, etc.  The price is from 800yen, reasonable for souvenirs.

I think Japanese food samples are excellent craftworks.  It promptly makes people fascinated and hungry! It is exciting to imagine many people would buy them, fly to foreign countries with them, and give them to their friends and families. They might appreciate another Japanese culture.


HP of Kenkodo





中日新聞を読んで知ったのだが タピオカに次ぐスィーツのトレンドは「台湾カステラ」なのだそうだ。日本のカステラとは大分違ってソフトでプルプルしていて口の中でシュワっと溶けるらしい。

スィーツにはやりがあるのは良いことだ。経済が回るし 食べた人はそんなに高くない出費で満足を得られる。








Taiwanese castella

Reading the Chunichi newspaper, I have known Taiwanese castella has become a new trend, next to Tapioca drink.  It is quite different from Japanese Castella.  It is more like a chiffon cake: soft, springy, and easily melt in your mouth. 

I think it is a good phenomenon.  Because

  1. It improves the economic
  2. It gives people the feeling of contentment with not so expensive expenses.

I wonder who is the first one to make such a sweet as the trend. As I am not so ambitious to catch up with the vogue, I have not tried even Tapioca drink yet. But it is fun to know such trend.


HP of Kenkodo







作家の広小路尚祈さんには 観光地ではないマイナーな街の散歩を楽しめるという特別な才能がある。どんなありふれた街を歩いても面白さを見つけ、その日1日を楽しむことが出来るのだ。彼の同行者はいつも「散歩の達人だね」とほめてくれる。

そんな小旅行に憧れはある。私の趣味は登山だ。登山にはたいてい山頂に到達するという目的がある。山頂を目指さない登山者はほとんどないだろう。そして登山には地図と計画が欠かせない。あてもなく街をさまようのとは大きく違う。いつか年老いて山に登れなくなったら 趣味を登山からぶらぶら歩きにしてみるかも。新しい楽しみがみつかるだろう。でも、それは今ではない。






The genius of strolling

Naoki Hirokoji, a writer says he has a special talent:  He can fully enjoy rambling around a town, especially unpopular place.  Wherever he visits such minor town, he can find the amusing points there and relish the day. All friends accompanied him always admire him as “The genius of strolling”.   I long for such saunter.  Trekking is my hobby.  It usually has the aim of reaching the top. Little of trekkers would climb mountain without aiming reaching the peak.  It requires a map and plan to avoid an accident. It is quite different from walking around town without any purpose.  Someday when I would be too old to climb any mountain, I may change the hobby into rambling the town.  I would find different amusement, but not now.

HP of Kenkodo




先日主人と出かけた時、主人にサングラスを預かるようにいわれたので預かった。車を降りる際に それを返して、と言われて気づいた。サングラスが無い!サングラスを受け取ってからはどこにも寄っていないのだから車の中にあるはずだ。10分ほど探し回って、主人が突然私を指さして言った。「サングラス、君がかけているじゃないの!」二人で大笑いした。サングラスをかけていたことに気づかなかった私も間抜けだったが、私のことを一度も見なかった主人も間抜けだった。そのことを思いだすとつい思い出し笑いをしてしまう。









Funny couple


The other day, my husband I went out by a car.  During the driving, he asked me to keep his sunglasses, then I did so.  When we got off the car, he told me to get him back the sunglasses.  But at that moment, I found it had disappeared!  We had not dropped in anywhere after he handed me the sunglasses.  So, it should be in the car.  After our 10minuites of searching, he suddenly pointing me and said, “Hey, you are putting on my sunglasses! “We burst out laughing.  I was foolish forgetting wearing the glasses.  He is also foolish he did not look at me until then.  Whenever I remember it, I cannot stop chuckling.


HP of Kenkodo







最近になって二人の患者さんから 「前回の治療の後、12時間眠り続けて幸せだった。」と言ってもらえた。他の患者さん達も似たような経験を語ってくださる。









12 hours of sleep


Proper acupuncture and massage therapy give you a good sleep. 

These days two different clients told me after former therapy, they had slept continuously12 hours even without going to toilet, and each of them felt happiness.  Not only them but also other clients have told me similar experiences

I am looking forward to seeing who will savor such deep sleep.


HP of Kenkodo






宇連山の登山のために初めて愛知県民の森を訪ねたが 紅葉を楽しむには最適な場所だと思った。広大な敷地には散歩道が沢山あり、赤やオレンジや黄色の紅葉であふれている。敷地内にはトイレも散在し、宿泊施設やレストランや日帰り入浴施設もある。何といっても、観光客が少ない。静かに紅葉にどっぷり浸りたい人におすすめの場所だ。








Less people, but amazingly beautiful!

This time my husband I visited “Aichi-Kenmin-no-Mori” for the first time to climb Mr. Ureyama.  I have found it is an excellence sight to enjoy colored trees.  It is a vast park and there are many hiking trails.  You can see red, orange, and yellow colored trees all over the park.  There are toilets here and there.  In the park, there is an accommodation, restaurant, and day-use hot spa.  In addition to that, it was not clouded with people at all.  If you want to soak into the colored trees quietly, I highly recommend the sight.


Aichi Kenmin-no-Mori



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